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October 17, 2012


Howard Rauch

Hi Elizabeth:

If I may focus everyone's attention on one excerpt from this well-done article, consider the statement: "B-to-B can capitalize on the specialized info they possess and sell to corporations instead of individual subscribers."

It's the "specialized info" reference that hung me up. The description certainly is accurate. But a lot of what we do today doesn't reflect that knowledge. Specialized info requires dedicated staff that has the time to research/interview authoritative sources and report what was discovered. Are all of us really doing that? Or are we taking the easy way out . . . rationalizing that aggregation or curation are equally suitable policies to pursue?

In the past two days -- in the course of compiling analysis for my third 50-site e-news study -- I had to wade past a batch of sites that must believe that a regular menu of unedited press releases counts as specialized knowledge.

Further . . . "specialized knowledge" is more likely to be reflected when editorial staffs have a decent travel budget. The movers and shakers in our industry understand that. But one wonders if they are in the minority.

By the way, while we are licking our chops over the alleged promise of paywalls, remember that we also are competing in that regard with many marketing folks who regularly flood the market with terrific statistical input that is available FREE. We must be prepared to go these folks several steps better if we expect to be paid for what we publish.

Howard Rauch, President
Editorial Solutions, Inc.

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